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The House of Pappenheim(3)

The lordship went to Gottfried Heinrich’s 14 year old son Wolfgang Adam (1618-1647). When he died during a duel the 200-year-old lordship of the Pappenheim-Treuchtlingen line ended. The Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach took over half of the castle and half of the market town as part of his fiefdom. He based his ownership of the second half of the castle on the fact that Gottfried Heinrich only paid back half of what he owed him.

The last Margrave of Ansbach, Karl Alexander, abdicated in 1791 and gave his possessions to his relations the Brandenburgs and thus to the Prussian royal family. From 1806 on Treuchtlingen belonged to the newly founded kingdom of Bavaria.

Wallenstein’s quote from Schiller’s drama “The death of Wallenstein”, “Therein I recognize my Pappenheimers,” refers to the bravery and loyalty of the Pappenheim cuirassiers, the imperial elite troop led by Gottfried Heinrich. The phrase is now used colloquially to denote certain people whose peculiarities, mannerisms and particularly weaknesses one knows.

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